A letter from State Senator Milton Marks to Joseph Maldonado, Regional Director of Health, Education, and Welfare, requests more access and telephone lines.

Senator Milton Marks
Ninth Senatorial District
Representing San Francisco in the Senate
Chairman, Senate Committee on Local Government
April 13, 1977
Dear Director Maldonado,
I am writing to urge you to authorize the number of participants in the Hnadicapped Sit-in Protest to be restored to 150 persons, to allow eight deaf interpreters access to the Sit-in, and to reconnect the telephone lines.
I am greatly concerned about the lack of respect for handicapped and disabled persons’ civil rights and the lack of Department support for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The handicapped community deserved better treatment at the hands of public officials.
I look forward to your implementation of these requests to which you have previously publicly agreed, and I am optimistic that you will support the participants of this rally in their request for Secretary Califano to sign the regulations without modification.
Milton Marks