(function ($) { $().ready(function () { var quotes = [ '

In the face of government ignorance … we persisted and won. No one gave us anything


504 protestor Kitty Cone at the April 30, 1977 victory rally

', '

In the face of government ignorance … we persisted and won. No one gave us anything


Kitty Cone speech

', '

Handicapped persist in SF, DC contingent starved out


Oakland Independent and Gazette, April 7, 1977

', '

You educated America


Reverend Cecil Williams, Pastor of Glide Memorial Church

', '

The nation\'s disabled have declared war


The Berkeley Barb, April 22–28, 1977

', '

We won—We won—We won!


504 protestor Kitty Cone at the April 30, 1977 victory rally

', '

One of the broadest coalitions I had ever seen


Kitty Cone, 504 protestor

', '

If Carter won’t come out here to talk to us, we’ll have to come to him


504 Protestor Linda Gill, The Daily Californian, April 18, 1977

' ]; $(quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)]).appendTo('#lca-random-quote'); $('#lca-random-image>img').on('load',function(){ var imgHeight = $('#lca-random-image>img'); $('#lca-random-quote').css({ height: imgHeight.height() }); }); }); })(jQuery);