Spring semester has arrived, and the Longmore Institute has expanded our team! Our Longmore Student Fellows program offers students with disabilities paid professional development opportunities, as well as a place on campus where they can learn more about disability communities, culture, and history. Please meet Anna Goose, Asa Arnold, Martha Jimenez, Lauren Wheeler-Dubin, Simon Hagene, and Robyn Kurland!
Anna Goose (Access Assistant):

I have a Bachelor's in Psychology from the University of Cincinnati, and I am a first-year MS student in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program here at SF State. This program (formerly known as Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health) has already broadened my understanding of both my personal disability and disability in general, and has helped fan the flames of advocacy and activism that were first lit in my undergraduate studies. I discovered the Longmore Institute somewhat by accident, having received a forwarded email about Superfest, and was immediately curious about the organization behind the invite. What I found was this incredible hub of inclusion and accessibility, with a mission and values that are so aligned with my own that I knew I had to get involved. I'm thrilled to be part of the team now, and I'm looking forward to contributing to the fight against disability stigma and stereotypes.
Asa Arnold (Superfest juror):
Asa Arnold is a queer disabled student at SF State University, currently pursuing a double major in English and History. Disability has been a part of their life in one way or another for as long as they can remember, although they only realized this and began to identify with it recently. They are particularly interested in the intersections and complications of identity, social change, and the way we understand and tell stories about ourselves. When not writing essays or doing assigned readings for classes, you can find Asa knitting or crocheting, playing video games, or doing even more reading.
Martha Jimenez (Superfest juror):

My name is Martha Jimenez and I’m a third year transfer to San Francisco State University. I’m from Walnut Creek, a small town in the East Bay. I’m a first generation college student and very excited to see what’s in store for me here at State. I’m a psychology major and hoping to work with young kids in the near future. I’m very excited for the opportunity to work with the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability. I was diagnosed with both a learning disability and Scoliosis at a young age. I felt like I easily stood out with having an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and needing a back brace. Looking back, I realize how much these experiences have made a strong impact on who I am today. I gained a different experience than many my age but by no means was it a lesser one. Throughout my experiences, I’ve realized it’s hard for some people to understand and except those with disabilities. This is why I’m so excited to become a working member of the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability, where they strive to inform the community and change social views on disabilities.
Lauren Wheeler-Dubin (Superfest juror):

My name is Lauren Wheeler-Dubin and I received my bachelors from UCLA in the Theatre, Film and Television Department. I am currently a graduate student in the Mild/Moderate Special Education Department at SFSU. While pursuing my masters and teaching credential, I am in the process of collaborating with some very talented individuals to film a documentary about disability access. It is a wonderful honor to be part of Superfest.
Simon Hagene (Superfest juror):

Simon Hagene was born in Connecticut, USA, although he grew up in Norway due to his parents being from Scandinavia. As the years elapsed, he developed a great passion for acting, writing and the making of short films, and is currently pursuing his Master of Fine Arts at San Francisco State University. "Film is a wonderful piece of art wherein all of what I love come together. It is an incredible platform to introduce stories worthy of a cinematic reflection, especially on the topics that make my heart beat just a bit louder."
Robyn Kurland (Superfest Jury/ Showcase Coordinator):

Hi there! I am an M.S. in Counseling candidate at SFSU. As a civil rights advocate, both personally and professionally, I have seen ableism and mentalism deeply-rooted in our oppressive societal constructs. My personal struggle with a disability also provides a unique understanding and a passion to educate and collaborate for systemic and cultural change. I also happen to be an avid film fan. Movies are a fantastic educational tool that utilizes the cinematic experience to show commonalities in human experience. At the same time, they can tokenize, underrepresent, or misrepresent. Stories need to be told, but who tells them and how they are told matters. I look forward to working with the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability and being a part of this amazing experience!