A Guided Tour and Book Reading with HolLynn D'Lil

Join "Patient No More" featured photographer HolLynn D'Lil for a guided tour and a reading from her new book, a memoir about the 504 Occupation.
Please get in touch immediately if you require an ASL interpreter or open captioning, and we will be happy to provide these services. Accommodation requests must be received by September 1, 2015. Email or call Emily Beitiks: (415)405-3528
About the Book:
Becoming Real in 24 Days - One Participant's Story of the 1977 504 Demonstrations is about the takeover of the fourth floor of the San Francisco Federal building in 1977 by disabled protestors demanding that the newly inaugurated President James Carter implement Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. It's also about a turning point for the participants, including the author, in how they viewed themselves in the world.
With some 200 photographs, this memoir takes you inside a major event in the disability civil rights movement — the successful fight for the fair implementation of the first Federal civil rights law for people with disabilities. This is the story of how it was done, who had the courage to do it and how it shaped the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Learn more or buy the book at: http://becomingrealin24days.com/