Launch Celebration

Approximately eighty people from San Francisco State and the broader disability community came to share Paul’s memory and look to the future, with Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Gene Chelberg serving as emcee. President Wong’s wife, Phyllis, read welcome remarks, followed by Catherine Kudlick, who introduced our projects exemplified by a panel of young scholars. The ceremony culminated in “unribboning” a quilt made from Paul Longmore’s infamous disability-themed t-shirt collection. Following the reception, guests were invited to tour the facilities, where our new furniture had been delivered only the day before. A number of folks stayed to talk informally, which ultimately led to an exciting upcoming project – stay tuned!
- You can read more about the event here.
- View photos from the event. Special thanks to the event photographer Smithy Blackwell.

Catherine Kudlick and launch party guests

Catherine Kudlick and Phyllis Wong

Director Catherine Kudlick

Gene Chelberg and Catherine Kudlick Unribbon the Quilt

Gene Chelberg unribbons the "decoder quilt," which will be used with technology to make the larger quilt accessible to blind people.

Hoby Wedler, Victor Pineda, Gene Chelberg

Catherine Kudlick, Director, and Emily Beitiks, Assistant Director. Emily shows the "decoder" quilt that will be used to make the quilt accessible to blind people.

Phyllis Wong Presents on Behalf of President Les Wong

Phyllis Wong, Catherine Kudlick, Amanda Cachia, and Hoby Wedler

Socializing before the Event Begins