Mischievous Entanglements: The Embodied Histories of Paul K. Longmore—Scholar, Teacher, Activist

Event Date: Friday, April 12, 2013
Location: 835 Market Street, 6th floor, Room 609 - Downtown CampusThis panel honors the work of Paul K. Longmore. Scholars, former students, activists, and community members came together on April 12, 2013 to share stories and to learn about the work of this noted historian, advocate, and friend. Catherine Kudlick of the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability, at San Francisco State University, is the chair of this panel that includes: Mary Lou Breslin (Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund), Victoria Lewis (University of Redlands), Laura Garrett (Tamalpais High School), Mary Felstiner (San Francisco State University), Kim E. Nielsen (University of Toledo), Susan Schweik (University of California, Berkeley), and Eva Sheppard Wolf (San Francisco State University).